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The Collections API will be discontinued

We are working on discontinuing the Collections API [/collections/notifications/] which is used by some integrations to validate the status of their payments. The official discontinuation date will be 02/10/2024, but we are communicating in advance, as some updates will be necessary for your integration.

This resource is currently reported through IPN notifications from the payments topic, in the "resource" field, as follows:

  "resource": "https://api.mercadolibre.com/collections/notifications/{payment_id}",
  "topic": "payment"

When the discontinuation happens, the body of the IPN notification will contain only the payment ID in "resource":

  "resource": {payment_id},
  "topic": "payment"

The API that replaces /collections/notifications/ and allows for payment validation is the Payments API, where you can obtain the necessary information to continue with your operations without any impact.

If you wish, you can access a mapping of the fields in the Collections API and their equivalents in the Payments API, to facilitate finding the information when making this change and if you have any doubts, please contact our support channels.